Learn French to work for an International Organisation

Learn French to work for an International Organisation

Boost your career by learning French

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If the organization that you work for is truly international, then you will probably need French at some point to achieve maximum usefulness for the organization that you believe so deeply in. If you do not yet work for one of these groups, then the opportunity to learn French to work for an international organization cannot be missed.

Many of these international enterprises, whether a business or a non-profit, will covet those who can speak French, especially given that 30 countries count French as their official language. Aid groups in Africa, for instance, will often need French speakers more desperately than English speakers.

Learn French to work in France: the most effective method

To learn French to work for an international organization, try to find a top language school in country. Sure, you can try to bone up on your French skills in a country that does not speak the language, and courses exist online that can be very helpful as well, but there’s nothing like learning French in France.

In France, you have the opportunity to apply immediately whatever you learn in the classroom, and you gain an appreciation for the culture that produced the language. The heart of the country, of course, is Paris, and fortunately there are schools there that offer language trainings for people who want to learn specialized French.

Once equipped with an intensive French course that lasts a week or a month or more, people that work for international organizations discover a new confidence in their work and a much broader audience for their written and verbal expression, whether that be potential clients or patients in a refugee camp. French can be a vital tool in the pocket of any person working for an international organization.

When a course tailored specifically for a person working for an international group is offered, it often can skip needless vocabulary and expressions, thus ensuring maximum learning in a minimum amount of time. Look carefully for schools that offer such specialized training. It will save you a lot of time and money as you learn French to work for an international organization.

We also have online French courses, so if this option suits you better because of your life circumstances, you should definitely check them out.