Preparation for the DCL

Certify your French skills with DCL (Diplôme de Compétences en Langues) FLE – Preparation for DCL FLE in Paris

Among different French exams, the DCL FLE (Français Langue Etrangère)is particulary appreciated for several reasons. First of all, this is because the DCL is not a certification but a national diploma from the French Ministry of Education. Naturally, the DCL diploma is valid for life. Secondly, the DCL FLE evaluates practical communication skills in French in a professional context, covering 5 linguistic skills (oral and written expression, oral & written comprehension, oral interaction). Of course, the validation alines with the CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). On top of it, the DCL FLE is a certification eligible for CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation), recognized by the French governmental body France Compétence. In short, by preparing for the DCL FLE exam, you will be able to:

  • ✔️ Assess French language skills in oral and written comprehension and production : A2 to C1 of CEFRL.
  • ✔️ Improve communication in personal, social and professional situations in France
  • ✔️ Reinforce the grammar of the French language
  • ✔️ Gain self-confidence and ease of communication in French

Moreover, the DCL FLE certification facilitates the validation of language skills as part of personal development, integration, retraining, evolution or professional mobility.

Improve your French communication skills and obtain a national diploma valid for life

Who is concerned?

Basically, any adult non-French mother tongue is eligible for the exam. To be more concise, the certification of DCL FLE is intended for: employees, adults students, job seekers, individuals aiming to certify their French communication skills in professional context. Specifically, employees and job seekers can use the certification DCL for their CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation). Attention, Minimum entry level A2 is required.

DCL FLE exam

As mentioned, the DCL FLE (Français Langue Etrangère) certifies your French levels in alignement with the CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) from A2 to C1. Nonetheless, if you don’t have A2 level, DCL Professional French First Level (A1-A2) could be available.
Equally important, the DCL FLE exam assess 5 areas of competence in the language of everyday and professional communication. The exam lasts 2h30.

  • ✔️ Reading comprehension.
  • ✔️ Listening comprehension.
  • ✔️ Oral expression.
  • ✔️ Written expression.
  • ✔️ Oral interaction.
DCL FLE 2025 exam dates (French as a Foreign Language):


Dates of the sessionsRegistration start datesRegistration end dates

Preparation for the DCL FLE in Paris

Among all, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the particularities of each test and to improve your overall French level. In order to help you better prepare for the exam, LUTECE LANGUE offers DCL FLE preparation course combining Workshops and General French courses (formula and duration of your choice). In other words, this course aims not only to prepare for DCL FLE exam but also to develop oral and writing skills in general French.

Our DCL FLE preparation courses are eligible for CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation).

Also, all courses take place in group setting (3-8 students). In this small class setting, our teachers, experienced and specialists in the DCL FLE exam, can provide personalised attention to each student. In addition, individual work on a platform is included in the course, which facilitates the revision of basic grammar and vocabulary essential to pass the DCL FLE exam.


◾ Certify your competence in a language of communication for professional use by the DCL, a diploma from the French Ministry of National Education.
◾ Develop overall French language skills
◾ Increase French grammar understanding and vocabulary
◾ Improve French communication in daily, social, professional situations.
◾ Gain confidence and fluency in communicating in French


◾ Presentation of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
◾ Explication of the principles and general organization of the exam.
◾ Targeted training of the DCL FLE exam.
◾ Passing a mock exam in real conditions.
◾ Individual correction and feedback.
◾ Trainings to improve 5 general French skills: oral and written producation and oral, written comprehension, oral interaction.

Teaching methods

◾ In groups, 3-8 participants, on-site or online course.
◾ Alternating theoretical teaching and practical application.
◾ Learner-centered pedagogy.
◾ Participative and active approach, based on role playing, exchanges and speaking out.
◾ Individual learning with E-learning platform to reinforce grammar and writing


◾ 7 Workshops preparation DCL FLE, 1,5h/lesson (10,5h).
◾ Face-to-face French course in mini-groups (15h-30h-45h):program – Extensive Evening & Saturday 3h.
◾ Individual work on the e-learning platform, min. 10h.
◾ Mock exam 2,5h.
◾ Duration : total 38h-53h-68h (contact us for other duration)


◾ Workshop 5:30-7pm (over 4 weeks, dates to be confirmed).
◾ Face-to-face French course in mini-groups (Extensive 3h) : 19h15-20h45, Mon & Wed or Tue & Thu (depending on levle)


◾ On-going evaluation in class, weekly written test at the end of week.
◾ Individualized formative evaluation with a mock DCL exam.
◾ Passing of the DCL FLE exam at the end of the course (according to national calendar).


◾ 1010€-1750€ : including the DCL FP exam, e-learning platform (unlimited access for 3 months)